Chegg is a leading education-tech company that offers live Q&A and study support. As a Visual Designer on the Creative Marketing team, I work to design impactful marketing campaigns to promote Chegg's products and services. I collaborate closely with my fellow designers and copywriters to ensure all assets align with our brand values, voice & tone, and visual identity.

In 2022, Chegg launched its Perks program, an ongoing partnership between Chegg and a number of popular brands that are recognized and appreciated among students. The goal is to provide exclusive benefits as part of Chegg's subscriptions, ensuring students receive even more value for their money. Our goal for this campaign is to promote the partner brands' offers while keeping Chegg as the center focus and connecting thread.

Chegg Perks

The sparkle is born

When designing the logo for the Perks program, we wanted to convey the feeling of something new and exciting, and the sparkle perfectly represents this idea. Its size and placement went through a few iterations, and we ultimately decided on a visual that was clean and concise.

The bento box

Our affectionately named "bento box" layout helps promote our partners, while keeping Chegg at the center of every touchpoint. This layout offers a way to easily change up the content in each square as new partners are added or imagery is refreshed.

Design Guidelines

Partner lockups

Color story

We focused on using Chegg's secondary color palette to help set Perks apart from the rest of the brand. The shades of violet complement the primary orange, while still remaining on-brand.

Landing Pages

In order to promote the benefits of the Perks program and make signup easy, our team created an informational landing page, as well as an individual activation page for each partner.


Email marketing has been an essential part of the Perks campaign. We work with our CRM team to create announcement emails, monthly reminders, and even test emails for different audiences.


We also created pop-up, right-rail, and horizontal banners, which are used on various other Chegg pages to help remind subscribers about their Perks.

Email Component System

As a marketing team, we're always creating emails. So it only makes sense that we should have a templatized system to make the process easier. In the past we had guidelines, but they weren't always followed, and new emails were created from scratch almost every time. This led to a lack of consistency amongst emails and a long turnaround time for designers. I led the effort to audit all of our emails and create a component system in Figma for the most-used modules. I designed the system to be easy to use and update, and then held training sessions for the team to learn how to use it.

The building blocks

See it in action

Many modules for many uses

Increased efficiency by

Reduced errors & inconsistencies by



In 2023

Weekly Digest Refresh

Student Gamer Ad Campaign

I led design on a team of creatives from concept to production for this campaign. The goal was to create a set of video advertisements targeting student gamers, and test them on multiple platforms to determine if they would be more effective than our standard Chegg ads. Our team brainstormed, storyboarded, and collaborated with an agency to produce 4 different ads for different moments in the school year. In H1 2022 we launched the personalized ads on Twitch, Crunchyroll, and YouTube gamer channels, and tested them against our standard Chegg ads. We found that the personalized content performed better than the generic ads across all the metrics we tracked.

First Assignment


